
Terms of Use

"UZU Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") stipulates the terms and conditions for the use of the smartphone application "UZU" (hereinafter referred to as "this App") operated by Sally Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").

Before using this App, you must read the entire Agreement and agree to all its terms.

By using this App, users are deemed to have understood and agreed to all the terms of this Agreement.

In case of any discrepancies in interpretation between the English and Japanese versions, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1 (Definitions)

The meanings of the following terms used in this Agreement shall be as defined below:

  1. "User" refers to an individual who registers and uses this App.
  2. "User Terminal" refers to iOS or Android devices such as smartphones and tablets owned by the user.
  3. "In-App Games" refers to Murder Mystery games and other games provided within this App.
  4. "Coins" refers to the paid currency that users can purchase and use within this App, as specified in Article 9.
  5. "Intellectual Property Rights" refers to copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, and other intellectual property rights (including rights to acquire and apply for registration of these rights).
  6. "Company Website" refers to the website operated by the Company, the domain of which is "https://www.uzu-app.com". If the domain or content of the website changes for any reason, the changed website is also included.

Article 2 (Scope and Changes of this Agreement)

  1. This Agreement applies to all relationships related to the use of this App between the user and the Company.
  2. Rules related to the use of this App that the Company posts on this App (including the description page on the app store) or on the Company Website constitute part of this Agreement.
  3. If there is any contradiction or conflict between the contents of this Agreement and the rules or other explanations outside of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall take precedence unless otherwise specified.

Article 3 (User Registration)

  1. Individuals who wish to use this App (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Applicants") can register to use this App by installing it on their User Terminal, agreeing to comply with this Agreement, and providing certain information (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information") specified by the Company in the manner specified by the Company.
  2. The Company may refuse registration if it determines that a Registration Applicant falls under or may fall under any of the following conditions, without any obligation to disclose the reasons:
    1. If any or all of the Registration Information provided to the Company is false, erroneous, or missing.
    2. If the applicant is a minor (except with the consent of a legal representative).
    3. If the applicant is an adult ward or a person under guardianship.
    4. If the applicant is a member of antisocial forces (meaning gangs, gang members, right-wing groups, antisocial forces, and others equivalent thereto) or has any interaction or involvement with antisocial forces through funding or other means, which the Company deems to be related to the maintenance, operation, or management of antisocial forces.
    5. If the applicant has violated this Agreement in the past or if the Company deems the registration inappropriate.
  3. If, after registration, it is found that the user falls under any of the conditions listed in the previous paragraph, the Company may restrict the use of all or part of this App or cancel the user registration at its discretion.

Article 4 (Changes to Registration Information)

Users shall promptly notify the Company of any changes to their Registration Information or other information provided to the Company in the manner specified by the Company.

Article 5 (How to Play In-App Games)

  1. When playing In-App Games, users must make a participation reservation on this App. The estimated playtime for each game's scenario is displayed on this App, but the actual playtime may be shorter or longer depending on the progress of the game.
  2. In-App Games are established when the required number of participants make a reservation, and start at the scheduled time. Users who have made a reservation must participate in the game by the start time.
  3. In-App Games cannot be played unless all users who made a reservation are present, as roles are assigned to each participant. If a user leaves the game after it starts, the other users will not be able to continue playing. Users must understand this nature of In-App Games and make reservations for dates when they can participate, ensuring they do not leave the game until it is finished.
  4. If a user does not participate in a reserved In-App Game by the start time or violates the provisions of the previous two paragraphs, the Company may contact the user by phone using the registered phone number.

Article 6 (In-App Calls)

  1. When playing In-App Games, users will advance the scenario while communicating with other users using the call function within this App. Note that the phone number registered on this App will not be used.
  2. The Company may record the content of calls between users during In-App Games. However, such recordings will only be used to confirm violations of this Agreement by users or for other operational reasons and will not be used for other purposes or disclosed to third parties.

Article 7 (Comment Function)

  1. Users can post their impressions of In-App Games (hereinafter referred to as "Impression Comments") within this App.
  2. The Company may display Impression Comments posted by users on this App and the Company Website. The user name and icon image of the user who posted the Impression Comment may also be displayed along with the comment.
  3. Users must not post Impression Comments that fall under the prohibited actions specified in Article 13.

Article 8 (Fees for Using this App)

  1. User registration for this App is free of charge.
  2. In-App Games can be played for free. However, the Company may provide some In-App Games and other content for a fee (hereinafter referred to as "Paid Content"). Users can purchase and use Coins within this App to access Paid Content.

Article 9 (Coins)

  1. Users can purchase Coins by completing the procedures using the payment methods specified by the app store (App Store, Google Play, etc.) or by completing the purchase procedures using credit card payments on the Company Website. Credit card payments are processed using Square's payment service "Square". The Company does not acquire or store credit card information provided by users to Square.
  2. Users can use purchased Coins for Paid Content and other purposes specified by the Company within this App. The quantity of Coins required and the conditions for their use for each Paid Content will be determined by the Company and displayed on this App.
  3. Users must not allow third parties, including other users, to use the Coins purchased on this App, nor lend, transfer, sell, pledge, or use them in any way other than specified in the previous paragraph.
  4. The validity period of Coins purchased on this App is indefinite.
  5. Users cannot request a refund for purchased Coins for any reason. However, if the Company terminates this service or if required by law, the Company will provide a refund according to the method and necessary details separately specified by the Company and in compliance with the law.
  6. The Company will not reissue Coins unless required by law or deemed unavoidable by the Company. Even if the Company agrees to reissue, it may refuse if it cannot confirm that the user requesting the reissue is the legitimate holder of the Coins.
  7. If incorrect Coins are granted to users due to maintenance work, system recovery, force majeure such as power outages or natural disasters, or other unavoidable reasons, the Company may correct or change the contents to the accurate ones, and users shall not object.
  8. If users change their device, they can transfer unused Coins to the new device by following the procedures specified by the Company. However, users must acknowledge in advance that such transfers may not be possible depending on the device used.
  9. The Company may invalidate the acquisition or use of Coins by users without notice and restrict the acquisition and use of Coins if the user falls under any of the following conditions. The Company will not refund or exchange invalidated Coins:
    1. If there has been illegal or fraudulent activity.
    2. If there has been a violation of this Agreement.
    3. If Coins were acquired fraudulently by methods not specified by the Company.
    4. If the user cancels their registration for this App.

Article 10 (Supporting Works)

  1. Users can support In-App Games they like by sending a specified number of Coins to the work screen of the game (hereinafter referred to as "Work Support"). The number of Coins that can be sent at once for Work Support may be limited at the Company's discretion.
  2. Coins sent for Work Support are received by the Company, which may use the proceeds for the development of this App and Murder Mystery games, or distribute the revenue to the creators of the In-App Games based on a separate agreement with the creators. The recipient of the Coins is the Company, not the creators. The Company does not guarantee any agreement with the creators regarding revenue distribution and is not restricted in the use of the proceeds from Work Support.

Article 11 (Precautions for Using this App)

  1. This App is intended to be used in environments (hereinafter referred to as "Supported Environments") specified or recommended by the Company on this App (including the app store description page) or on the Company Website. Users must acknowledge in advance that the App may not function properly outside the Supported Environments and that the Supported Environments may change without prior notice.
  2. Even if the user's device meets the Supported Environments, the App may not function properly due to device malfunctions. Users must acknowledge this possibility before using the App.
  3. The Company may change, add, or update the contents and functions of this App at its discretion.

Article 12 (OS Update Support)

  1. If the operating system of the device used for this App is updated, the Company will strive to promptly ensure that this App functions properly after the update.
  2. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the Company assumes no responsibility if the App does not function properly due to the update.

Article 13 (Prohibited Actions)

Users must not engage in any of the following actions or actions that may fall under any of the following when using this App:

  1. Not participating in a reserved In-App Game, being late, leaving the game during the scenario without permission from other participants, or causing inconvenience to other users.
  2. Revealing spoilers or information about the content of In-App Games.
  3. Participating in the same scenario of an In-App Game more than once without the consent of other participants.
  4. Engaging in actions that violate laws or public order and morals.
  5. Using the App for illegal or inappropriate purposes.
  6. Infringing the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company or third parties (including causing such infringements directly or indirectly).
  7. Engaging in criminal activities.
  8. Sending or speaking information to the Company or other users of this App that the Company deems to fall under any of the following:
    1. Information that is excessively violent or discriminatory, or other information that may cause discomfort to others.
    2. Information that contains obscene expressions.
    3. Information that encourages or solicits self-harm or suicide.
    4. Information that encourages inappropriate use of drugs.
    5. Information containing antisocial expressions.
    6. Information related to religious or political activities.
    7. Information related to the promotion, publicity, or solicitation of pyramid schemes or network businesses.
    8. Spam or similar information.
    9. Personal information of third parties.
    10. Information related to the misuse of this App.
    11. False information.
  9. Using this App for commercial purposes in ways not intended by the Company.
  10. Engaging in actions aimed at dating or meeting unfamiliar individuals.
  11. Impersonating third parties.
  12. Providing information about other users to third parties.
  13. Soliciting or accepting donations, contributions, or gifts.
  14. Disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, or otherwise modifying, revising, or analyzing this App.
  15. Engaging in actions that may interfere with the operation of this App.
  16. Engaging in other actions deemed inappropriate by the Company.

Article 14 (Suspension of the App)

  1. The Company may suspend all or part of the use of this App without prior notice to users in the following cases:
    1. When performing regular or emergency maintenance or inspection of the computer system related to the provision of this App.
    2. When the computer or communication line is stopped due to an accident.
    3. When the operation of this App becomes impossible due to force majeure such as fire, power outage, or natural disasters.
    4. When the Company deems it necessary due to reasons beyond its control.
  2. The Company may terminate the provision of this App at its discretion. In this case, the Company will notify users at least one month in advance, except in cases of emergency termination where prior notice is not possible.
  3. The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by users as a result of actions taken by the Company under this Article.

Article 15 (Burden of Devices, etc.)

  1. Users are responsible for preparing and maintaining the devices, communication lines, and other communication environments necessary for using this App at their own expense and responsibility.
  2. Users must take security measures, such as preventing computer viruses, unauthorized access, and information leaks, according to their usage environment at their own expense and responsibility.
  3. Even if the Company temporarily stores information registered by users on this App for operational purposes, it is not obligated to store such information. The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by users due to the loss of such information.
  4. When installing this App on their devices, users must take sufficient care to prevent the loss or alteration of information they own or device malfunctions or damages. The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by users.

Article 16 (Ownership of Rights)

The ownership and intellectual property rights of the Company Website and this App belong to the Company or those who have licensed the Company. The license to use this App under this Agreement does not imply the transfer or licensing of these intellectual property rights, except as expressly stated in this Agreement.

Article 17 (Actions in Case of Violations)

  1. If a user falls under any of the following conditions, the Company may temporarily suspend or terminate the user's use of this App without prior notice or demand:
    1. If the user violates any of the provisions of this Agreement (especially if the user engages in malicious actions that cause inconvenience to other users, such as violating Articles 10.1 to 10.3).
    2. If the user uses or attempts to use this App for purposes or methods that may cause damage to the Company, other users, or third parties.
    3. If the user interferes with the operation of this App by any means.
    4. If the user becomes unable to pay or becomes insolvent, or if bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, or similar procedures are filed.
    5. If the user is subject to seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, or auction.
    6. If the user is subject to tax delinquency disposal.
    7. If the user is a member of antisocial forces or has any interaction or involvement with antisocial forces, as determined by the Company.
    8. If the Company deems the user's continuation as a user inappropriate.
  2. Users whose use of this App has been suspended or terminated under the previous paragraph may explain the circumstances to the Company by the method specified by the Company. If the Company deems the user's violation of this Agreement to be minor, it may lift the suspension or termination at its discretion.
  3. The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by users as a result of actions taken by the Company under this Article.

Article 18 (Withdrawal)

  1. Users can withdraw from this App and cancel their registration as a user by completing the procedures specified by the Company.

Article 19 (Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability)

  1. This App is provided "as is", and the Company does not guarantee the normal operation of this App, the content of In-App Games, or any other aspect. The Company also does not guarantee compatibility with specific purposes, commercial usefulness, completeness, continuity, or any other aspect.
  2. The Company assumes no responsibility if other users do not participate in In-App Games they have reserved or leave the game during the scenario, causing disruptions in the game. However, if the Company receives reports of violations of this Agreement by other users, it will strive to maintain a good play environment by taking measures such as suspending or expelling malicious users.
  3. Users are responsible for handling and resolving any transactions, communications, disputes, etc., with third parties related to this App. The Company assumes no responsibility for such matters. If the Company is unavoidably involved, users must compensate the Company for any damages and costs incurred, including attorney's fees.
  4. Users are responsible for investigating whether the use of this App violates laws, industry association rules, etc., applicable to them. The Company does not guarantee that the use of this App complies with any laws or industry association rules applicable to users.
  5. If the Company is liable for damages to users for any reason, including the non-application of the exemption clause in this Agreement, the Company's liability is limited to direct damages and the maximum amount of 10,000 yen. Users must understand and agree in advance that the Company does not provide this App unless they agree to this limitation.
  6. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, if the user is a consumer (as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Consumer Contract Act) and the Company is liable for damages due to willful misconduct or gross negligence, the provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply.

Article 20 (Handling of User Information)

  1. The Company will handle personal information obtained through this App in accordance with the separately defined Privacy Policy. Users agree that the Company will handle their information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  2. The Company may analyze and evaluate the information provided by users or obtained through the use of this App (excluding recording data of user conversations during In-App Games) for its own use or for providing information to third parties. However, when providing information to third parties, the Company will limit the information to statistical data and will take maximum privacy considerations.
  3. The Company may retain user information provided during registration or obtained through the use of this App even after the user withdraws, for purposes such as verifying past use of this App and violations of this Agreement. Users consent to this retention in advance.
  4. The provisions of this Article remain in effect even if the user withdraws from this App.

Article 21 (Changes to this Agreement)

  1. The Company may change this Agreement by notifying users in a manner it deems appropriate without obtaining user consent in the following cases. The Company is not required to individually notify users of changes. Users must check the latest version of this Agreement at their own responsibility when using this App:
    1. If the change to this Agreement benefits the general interest of users.
    2. If the change to this Agreement is reasonable in light of the necessity of the change, the appropriateness of the content after the change, and other circumstances, without contradicting the purpose of user registration.
  2. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the Company will post the revised Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Revised Agreement") and notify users of the change, its content, and its effective date at least one month before the effective date of significant changes to this Agreement.
  3. If users object to the changes to this Agreement, they must complete the withdrawal procedures specified by the Company and terminate their use of this App.
  4. If users do not withdraw before the effective date of the Revised Agreement, they are deemed to have agreed to the changes to this Agreement.
  5. The Revised Agreement takes effect on the date specified in the notification under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.

Article 22 (Contact/Notification)

Inquiries and other communications from users to the Company regarding this App, and notifications from the Company to users regarding changes to this Agreement and other matters, will be made by posting on this App or by methods specified by the Company.

Article 23 (Transfer of Contractual Status)

  1. Users may not transfer, assign, set collateral, or otherwise dispose of their status in using this App or their rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party without prior written consent from the Company.
  2. If the Company transfers the business related to this App to another company, it may transfer the rights, obligations, and contractual status under this Agreement, as well as user registration information and other customer information, to the transferee of the business. Users agree to this transfer in advance. The business transfer includes not only ordinary business transfers but also company splits and any other cases where the business is transferred.

Article 24 (Severability)

Even if any provision or part of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by law, the remaining provisions and parts of this Agreement shall continue to have full effect.

Article 25 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

Disputes between users and the Company will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court for the first instance. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

Article 26 (Resolution of Disputes)

The Company and users shall promptly resolve any matters not stipulated in this Agreement or any doubts regarding the interpretation of this Agreement through mutual consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith and fairness.

Enacted: September 23, 2020

Revised: April 21, 2021

Revised: December 7, 2021